Chemical Peeling
Get clearer and brighter skin with our Chemical Peeling treatment at our Advanced Aesthetic Specialist Clinic, Kl. Free Consultation
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at our certified aesthetic clinic in KL

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Types of Chemical Peels
There are various types of chemical peel for the face, each tailored to the patient’s needs.
Read on to learn more.
Has the smallest molecular size & penetrates quite deep. It reaches the outer & middle layers of the skin to eradicate the damaged skin cells & improve wrinkles, fine lines, freckles, age spots & moderate skin discoloration.
A type of superficial chemical peel for acne. Salicylic acid is a common ingredient in many anti-acne facial products. When used as a peel, this acid is the ideal solution for you if you have acne and pimples.
This peel is derived from milk. It is suitable for sensitive or dry skin. This chemical peel treatment goes easy on the skin and is our doctors’ preference for patients who may have adverse reactions to skin products.
A type of alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA)-based peel. It is derived from bitter almonds and it falls under the superficial peel category as it is one of the milder chemical peels.
This peel is the ideal solution if you have sensitive skin.
TCA Peel
Designed to remove the damaged surface layer of your skin and remove imperfections such as age spots, fine wrinkles, and rough skin. It is widely used for skin resurfacing to treat acne scars.
Milk Peel
Kulit susu (Milk peel) adalah alternatif lembut kepada kulit kimia tradisional. Kulit susu boleh digunakan untuk merawat jerawat, pori-pori membesar, kulit kusam & kering, pigmentasi, atau kerosakan matahari. Ini adalah rawatan yang bagus kerana ia adalah rawatan pengelupasan yang cepat dan mendalam.
Snow Peel
Snow Peel menggunakan teknik pengelupasan inovatif yang pada masa yang sama menanggalkan sel kulit mati dan meremajakan kulit. Snow Peel mengandungi DNA salmon, Glutathione dan Gluconolactone, dirumus secara unik untuk meremajakan kulit.
Carbon Peel
A Carbon Laser Peel is a revolutionary laser treatment that is suitable for all ages. It will leave you and your skin smoother, plumper and refreshed. It’s also popularly known as the Hollywood Peel. It gives you 4 peels in 1, helping you refresh and revitalise your skin with minimal to no downtime.
How Chemical Peeling Can Help You

Temui Doktor Kami
Dr Chew Hui Wen
Temui Dr. Chew Hui Wen, seorang doktor yang prihatin dan berdedikasi yang bersemangat dalam perubatan estetik. Dr. Chew adalah doktor estetik kami yang pakar dalam prosedur estetik seperti laser, penyingkiran lesi kulit, pengelupasan kimia, anti-penuaan, pengisi dan pengangkatan benang. Dr. Chew terkenal kerana mesra dan prihatin terhadap keperluan dan keinginan estetik pesakitnya.
Dr. Chew memperoleh Ijazah Perubatan (MD) dari Universiti Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. Beliau merupakan seorang doktor berdaftar di bawah Majlis Perubatan Malaysia (MMC). Beliau menamatkan Sijil Pasca Siswazah Dermatologi Estetik (PgCAD) Bahagian 1 dan Bahagian 2 di bawah Akademi Dr. Ko.
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