
Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers help provide volume and fullness to areas where natural aging causes volume loss or wrinkles. Common areas of treatment include the nasolabial folds (“parentheses” lines), “marionette” lines along the lower face and around the mouth, mid-face (cheeks). There are many options and each filler is slightly different in composition and thickness.

Derma Fillers

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers consist of Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring substance in the skin that helps to promote moisture and some volume. HA fillers are used to restore volume and fullness that naturally occur with the aging process. These fillers can also be used to enhance the volume in the lips. Choosing the right filler is part of the consultation process. Dermal fillers give a soft, natural appearance and can last between 12-24 months.l

Unveiling the Elegance Within You!

Discover the Timeless Allure of Aesthetic Beauty

Dermal fillers stimulate the skin’s natural collagen production to increase overall facial volume.  Once the dermal fillers are put in, it begins working deep within the skin to stimulate collagen production, reinforcing the skin’s inner structure and restoring volume. Our Dermal Filler treatment is carried out to result in an overall smoothness of the skin, in addition to a hydrated, glowing and youthful appearance.

Look Better BUT Not Different

You want to look better, but you still want to look like YOU. 
At Advanced Aesthetic Specialist, we help you to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, highlight your best facial features, and create bright, clear skin.

Close-up photo of a woman's face with minimal makeup, showcasing her natural features.

Increase Confidence

Look and feel like the most beautiful you with smoothed lines, highlighted facial features, and bright, clear skin.

Close-up photo of a woman's face with visible signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines.

Prevent Signs of Ageing

We specialise in treatments that repair and even prevent signs of ageing. Say hello to a lasting radiant, younger you.

Close-up photo of a woman's face with a radiant glow.

Stand Out

Look and feel refreshed with a boosted look that maximises your natural beauty and keeps you smiling.

We as Aesthetic Specialists, strongly believe in unifying great craftsmanship with the most latest technologies as It is important to look out for the most advanced and proven technologies to get the best results.

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